Embedding Metashell into other applications

Metashell provides a JSON-based interface for building a custom front-end or embedding Metashell into IDEs. To use it, you need to start Metashell with the --console=json command-line argument. The shell will read commands from standard input and display output on standard output. The format of the commands and the output will be structured JSON documents separated by \n characters.

Supported commands

Here is the list of commands Metashell accepts when it is running in JSON-mode.

  • cmd



Sending this command to Metashell means that the user has typed <command> in and pressed enter in the shell.

  • code_completion


  "code":"<code to complete>"

Sending this command to Meashell means that the user has asked for code-completion and the code to complete is <code to complete>. As a response to this, Metashell will display an object of type code_completion_result. Note that Metashell might also display errors as well.

Supported output documents

Here is the list of JSON documents Metashell might output to display things. The order of the fields of objects is fixed to make SAX-like parsing easier. As in some cases (when displaying forward traces) the documents might be large, using SAX-like JSON parsers is recommended.

  • backtrace


  "frames":"[list of frames of the backtrace]"

Displays a template metaprogramming backtrace, which is a list of recursive template instantiations. Each frame in the trace is a template instatiation triggered by the preceeding frame. The format of the frames is the following:

  "name":"<type instantiated>",
  "kind":"<kind of instatiation>",
  "point_of_event":"<point of instantiation>"

The name, source_location, kind and point_of_event fields are the same as the fields of the frame object.

  • call_graph


  "nodes":"[list of nodes of the call graph]"

Displays a template metaprogramming call graph, which is a tree (some nodes may appear multiple times, in which case they a separate nodes of the tree). The list of nodes are the nodes of the graph listed in the same order as a depth-first traversal starting from the root of the tree would visit them. The format of the nodes is the following:

  "name":"<type instantiated>",
  "kind":"<kind of instatiation>",
  "point_of_event":"<point of instantiation>",
  "depth":"<depth of the node in the tree>",
  "children":"<number of children the node has>"

The name, source_location, kind and point_of_event fields are the same as the fields of the frame object. The values of the <depth> and <children> fields are integers.

  • code_completion_result


  "completions":"[list of completions]"

This is displayed as the response to a code_completion command. The <list of completions> is a list of strings, which are the possible completions of the code snippet provided in the code_completion command.

  • comment


  "paragraphs":"[list of paragraphs]"

Display a C++ comment. The content of the comment is a text in paragraphs. Each paragraph is described by a JSON object with the following format:

  "first_line_indentation":"<characters to indent with>",
  "rest_of_lines_indentation":"<characters to indent with>",
  "content":"<text of the paragraph>"

The displayer can add line-breaks to the text of the paragraph to fit the width of the display. The whitespaces (or other characters) to use for indentation are provided for each paragraph. The first line have a custom indentation.

  • cpp_code


  "code":"<C++ code>"

Display a C++ code snippet.

  • error


  "msg":"<error message>"

An error occured. The description of the error is <error message>.

  • filename_list


  "filenames":"[list of filenames]"

Displays a list of filenames. The order of the filenames is important (eg. it is an include path). Each filename is a string.

  • filename_set


  "filenames":"[list of filenames]"

Displays a set of filenames. The order of the filenames is not important. Each filename is a string.

  • frame


  "name":"<type instantiated>",
  "kind":"<kind of instatiation>",
  "point_of_event":"<point of instantiation>",
  "time_taken":"<time taken in seconds>",
  "time_taken_ratio":"<time taken ratio>"

Display a template class instantiation or preprocessing event. This is treated as a stack frame of a template or preprocessor metaprogram execution (this is where the name comes from). The type instantiated is the pretty-printed version of the template instance, included file, macro, etc. The <source_location> is the source location of the instantiated template, expanded macro, etc. The format is <file_name>:<row>:<column>. There is a special file called <stdin> which can appear in this field. This is a placeholder for the the code directly entered into the shell. file_name is possibly empty, this means that the source location of that particular template is unknown.

The kind, point_of_event, time_taken and time_taken_ratio fields are optional depending on whether Metashell has this information. The possible values for kind are:

  • Related to template instantiation:
    • DefaultFunctionArgumentInstantiation
    • DefaultTemplateArgumentChecking
    • DefaultTemplateArgumentInstantiation
    • DeducedTemplateArgumentSubstitution
    • ExceptionSpecInstantiation
    • ExplicitTemplateArgumentSubstitution
    • Memoization
    • NonTemplateType
    • PriorTemplateArgumentSubstitution
    • TemplateInstantiation
  • Related to preprocessing:
    • ErrorDirective
    • ExpandedCode
    • GeneratedToken
    • LineDirective
    • MacroDefinition
    • MacroDeletion
    • MacroExpansion
    • PreprocessingCondition
    • PreprocessingConditionResult
    • PreprocessingElse
    • PreprocessingEndif
    • QuoteInclude
    • Rescanning
    • SkippedToken
    • SysInclude
  • Others:
    • UnknownKind

Format of point_of_event is the same as of source_location but shows where this particular type was instantiated from.

time_taken is given in seconds as a double. time_taken_ratio is also a double and can be generally expected to be in the range [0-1]. Sometimes it can get out of this range, if there is something wrong with how the compiler reports timings to Metashell.

  • prompt


  "prompt":"<prompt to display>"

This means that the shell is waiting for input. The prompt to use is <prompt to display>. After displaying this command the shell will not display further output until the next command arrives.

  • raw_text



<text> should be displayed.

  • type


  "name":"<pretty printed type>"

Display a C++ type.